Finally! A Democratic Socialist speaks the unvarnished truth as to the party's true agenda.

The post below clears up the confusing and shifting definitions of Socialism touted by various Leftist factions and states the ultimate "moral" goal. 
The Left loves to claim the moral high ground. Is it noble to use coercion to obtain one's goals? 
Unfortunately far too many who are uninformed and/or uneducated in history fall victim to the deceitful and waffling discourse.
The ultimate goal is made crystal clear by a staff writer at the socialist magazine Jacobin and a member of DSA.

Democratic Socialist Clears It Up: “Truth Is, We Want to End Capitalism”
Posted By: admin on: August 03,

There’s been a lot of conflicting viewpoints and explanations about democratic socialism, the ideology claimed by Bernie Sanders, Democratic Party “It Girl” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and even former Sex and the City actress/Would-Be New York Governor Cynthia Nixon. Some people say it’s just a lighter version of capitalism, modeled off what they have in Norwegian countries and, to an extent, in the UK and Canada. Others claim it’s another version of communism that aims to overthrow the private marketplace, redistribute wealth until “wealth” no longer exists, and put the government in charge of everything. And still others say it’s somewhere in between.

Thankfully, we have good old Vox to clear things up. They had a democratic socialist named Meagan Day explain what it is we’re dealing with – the ideology and party that is gaining followers at an unheard-of rate in the United States. And she wasn’t shy about owning up to the bottom line.

“I’m a staff writer at the socialist magazine Jacobin and a member of DSA, and here’s the truth: In the long run, democratic socialists want to end capitalism,” she wrote. “And we want to do that by pursuing a reform agenda today in an effort to revive a politics focused on class hierarchy and inequality in the United States. The eventual goal is to transform the world to promote everyone’s needs rather than to produce massive profits for a small handful of citizens.” comment (can we say Communism?)
To the layperson…you’re average low-information millennial, for instance…this sounds terrific. To anyone who knows anything about the history of communism and socialism on this planet, it is nothing less than terrifying. Once again, people with a very short attention span and a very twisted/limited knowledge of political history are being taken in by this dangerous ideology. This ideology that says, “We can improve upon the very foundations of human nature! We can bring about a new golden age – a new Biblical Eden! We just need to erase greed and competition from the human motivational map! That’s all. And if we can’t do it at the ballot box…well, we have other ways. 
(emphasis mine)
comment: and what would those ways be?

Here’s the truth (to use Ms. Day’s phrase): You can’t do it. You can try. You can implement everything you want and start a revolution and use violence when things start turning sour, but you can’t create that utopia of your dreams. Socialism and communism have been tried and tried and tried again. It always ends in ruin…or in some half-baked, dictatorial managed economy, such as what we see in today’s China.

These systems are the enemies of freedom and, if they come to the United States, will be the end of what we used to lovingly refer to as the American dream.

more by: admin

Original article  


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